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NoteCaddy General Strength

Modified on 2013/02/02 00:39 by Administrator Categorized as Uncategorized
Strengths are based on numbers 1-169 for pre flop and 1 to 100 post flop. The pre flop rankings are static and, for Holdem, are very similar to what is found on this page http://www.tightpoker.com/poker_hands.html. For Omaha, they are also on a scale of 1-169 even though there are more than 169 starting hands for Omaha. Post flop hand strengths adjust based on how many hands they beat. A score of 100 means a hand will win versus any other hand no matter what other cards come. Particularly in Omaha, it is nearly impossible for a hand to have a score of 100 on the flop. Board texture greatly affects scores such that, for example, top pair can give a high score on some boards but a very low score on others. Other than Holdem pre-flop, each value is an estimate. There are billions of possible hand versus hand combinations and to calculate them all in real time would take several seconds (slowing note creation speed by 99% or more) and to make a look up table for all the values would require a large amount of memory. As such, values may be off by up to 3%. Faster computers will give better estimates. The results will vary by a few % on occasion. NoteCaddy runs as many simulations as it can versus random hands and board rundowns in a short time period. The average amount of simulations is around 10,000.

For general strength to be saved for any definition you have to be using CaddySpark. This is for the column chooser and the variables that use strength.

Testing General Strength

Any card/board combination can be tested from within NoteCaddy. Open any note definition and on the flop->hand tab on the very bottom there is a section called "test"


In the test environment, it is also possible to see what someone's general strength was for each street


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